Thursday, February 11, 2010

So, It's Another Snow Day

We got the dreaded call last night at 7 confirming that school would once again be cancelled. The kids are one Winter Break Friday and Monday, so no school today means no Valentine Party and these massive cookie treats we made for Ryder's teachers are now going to be in our belly's. Good thing there is so much snow to shovel.

Speaking of shoveling snow, here are the handsome boys working there buns off last night.

And for comparison sake, here is the shot of the kid's car this morning. Obviously we got way more snow since my last post. Gag me.

With another full day to fill, a bunch of us girls met up at the park to take the kids sledding. Linley preferred to make snow angels. Pansy.

Tess was my little/big marshmallow snow bunny. I promise, she is much happier then she looks.

Ryder was in heaven. He had to be dragged to the car when it was time to leave. The snow could not have been packed enough or the ramps big enough for this kid.

Guess I should go finish folding that last load of laundry and shovel the last of the driveway. Then I shall deserve to break into that cookie.


  1. I felt sorry for all you guys over there! The east coast was all over the news with how much snow you got pounded with. But I'm sure the kids are loving it! I remember February always seemed to be the worst month over there so I hope it goes by quickly for you! :)

  2. That must have been so disappointing to get those treats and Valentines ready and then not be able to share them with Ryder's class/teachers. My kids have been dying to get out sledding ever since these big snow storms, but they've had coughs so I haven't let them out yet. They will be traumatized for life if the snow disappears before their coughs do.

  3. i need that cookie.

    how are you raising kids that like the snow?
    i didnt know it was in us.
