Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Our Love Weekend

Valentine's on Sunday is pretty sweet. No pressure do go out and do something extravagant and the focus can really be on my three yummy little lovey's.
But before we get into to that, let's recap:
Friday- Play group party at the church. Children consumed a nauseating amount of treats. Came home. Napped. Friends came over to play until daddy came home- extra early! I don't remember the rest.
Saturday: a day full of sexy sledgehammering and romantic runs to the dump. I know. You all wish you could be me.
Allen took our super scary sixties master bathroom, and over the course of two days transformed it from this...
 ...into this. This bathroom has never looked more beautiful. Now I just can't wait to see the finished product. Which I am assured is months away. Fabulous.

To cap off our ultra romantic Saturday, we dragged the kids to a late night Home Depot run and then went all out with dinner at Arby's. We rock. Which, should you be taking notes, Arby's on the Eve of Valentine's day is like a ghost town. Take that fancy restaurants!

Sunday morning I woke up to these. Isn't the hubs adorable?? I was impressed.

Doubly impressive...he surprised me with tickets to see Dashboard. Love this man. Good thing I got him a tie. Okay, and a few other things that are not discussable. Regardless, he way outdid me this year.
We surprised the kids with a trip to Great Wolf Lodge. However, we aren't going until the first week of March, so they got new swimwear to satisfy their need to open a present at every holiday. Which I will admit, is my very own wrongdoing.

We capped off the evening with the kids and I making these yummy brownie bites.
I will put this in writing- nothing fancy shmancy occurred on our February 14th, but it was still one of my sweetest Valentine's to date.


  1. I'm sooo jealous. My valentine's day consisted of picking Damian up at the airport that evening. No Happy Valentine's, no gifts. Damian's on a role. If I blogged about it though he would kill me . . . plus I haven't blogged in a couple months since the babe.
    Glad you got to enjoy it.

  2. mmm i need those brownies, too.

    clearly, im hungry.

    i hope youre still showering even though you have an excuse not to.

  3. sounds delightful! i really am curious though of your non-duscussable gifts?!! i need some of those ideas. :)
    miss you guys!
    Happy VDAY!

  4. I'm excited for you to have a new gorgeous day. And I need details on the pancakes - how did Allen make those? I tried doing something like that, but my attempt failed miserably.
