Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mr. T-Ball

Ryder started T-ball a couple weeks ago. He is a pretty good hitter, a really good thrower, and a less than mediocre catcher. There has to be room for improvement somewhere.

His first game he took a line drive to the gut. There goes keeping his eyes open when a ball comes his way.

This little dude makes the funniest faces when he is intense. What a stud.


  1. too bad him and ash can't play together. They would have a blast!!! what a cutie. And looking so old! Happy Birthday Ryder!

  2. Love it! Edyn just started T-ball this year too. The first few weeks she was not a happy camper but now that she is understanding a little better on how to play the game she is enjoying it a bit more. Ryder has awesome form on the last pic! :)

  3. What a little man!! Love it. Matthew is playing baseball right now as well. Wish they could be playing together--that would be a blast!!
    Happy Birthday Ryder!!
