Monday, January 25, 2010

All Her Glory

The TJ (who we never refer to as such, but I feel like changing things up) had her 6 month check-up today. So what if I am a month and ten days late. Sometimes I am tardy for the party. It happens.
She weighed in at just over 20 pounds. Cutest. Whopper. Ever.
This month (her seventh) has been fabulous. She has started sleeping through the night (with the exception of last night....please, please, please let this not be another new sleeping trend. I was really getting use to feeling more human less zombie), going 11-12 hours without nourishment. Go Tessa. Staying on the food theme: she loves it!! She even ate a can of green beans last night. Without complaint. Oh, and some chocolate chip cookies. Bad idea?? She's the third. There has to be some privileges involved.
I am so in love with my smiley little chubbers. Especially when she poops and gives the loudest, red-faced grunts you have ever heard. I think I need to go bite those cheeks right now.


  1. Funny you should mention that as yesterday in the tub Linley attested that Tessa had the biggest boobies in the whole family. She is lucky she did not drown.

  2. munchie!! I want a nibble too!she is so cute! Those thighs are the best. and i love that Linley drinks hot milk! what a woman! Seneka savors her milk still as well...and very warm (almost hot). too funny!
    And hilarious about her boobs! and even more funny that Linley said that. LOL
    we miss you guys!

  3. hahaha man i just got your reply. i dont get those emailed to me.

    thats hilarious.

    aw poor you. i didnt know lynnlee even would recognize big boobs.

    you know, you could add that to your list of things to do.

    i wouldnt even be jealous.
