Sunday, April 11, 2010

My Pretties

In their Easter Garb, ten minutes before we needed to leave for church.

Tessa had a snot nose and needed a nap.

Linley was bribed to smile. She stopped smiling and demanded her granola bar after three shots.

Ryder (not pictured, in case you were confused) refused to step away from his raging game of "Angry Birds" on his father's iPhone.

These pictures are awesome.

I have grand plans of taking pictures of my children at a more opportune time in their frilly clothing to more fully show-off their cuteness. But let's be honest: that will probably never happen and this is probably as good as it is gonna get.


  1. Wow! A royal family with 2 princesses and a prince. They are exquisite. King and Queen and noticeably missing...Linley is particularly beeeeautiful...kisses to all.

  2. Cute Easter outfits! Give all the kids a squeeze for us. We will have to talk to y'all soon!

  3. I love the colors you picked. I have to say that three has been the WORST for getting photos together. All I know is that you need to take millions of shots and only one where you get a good smile and have a close friend who is a photoshop expert. Witness my Christmas pics for the last 3 years.
    Total sidenote--I realize you never comment anymore (that's me guilting you), but did you check out my new counters? I thought you'd appreciate them since you've done some remodeling on your own digs.

  4. Your kiddos are SOOO adorable..OH MY GOODNESS!! I can't believe how big they are!! I remember when you came by to visit once in Provo and Ryder was like 1 or look at him and the girlies!! WOW!! Time flies..miss you!!

  5. I so know that feeling of it being right before church and the kids look so cute and you REALLY want a good shot but there is no time and the kids aren't wanting to pose... you did great though! They look adorable. Love the pink and brown.
