Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Holy Blizzard

I have never seen so much snow. Ever. In my life. Or at least not for a really long time. I took the measuring tape out at 3. We had over 9 inches. By the time I was done shoveling half the driveway (because that is when my fingers cramped up and stopped working completely), another 2 inches had accumulated. And it is still snowing. In buckets. Which I realize is a term used for a heavy downpour. But it is downpouring. Snow.

They cancelled school yesterday at 6pm. This made me very happy, for I did not have to anticipate the 5:15 morning call wherein my cell phone rings, my home phone rings, I receive a text and an email alerting me school has been cancelled. All. At. Once. I had big plans to bribe the kids with chocolate chip muffins if they let me sleep in. Except Tess woke up at 4:30 and didn't go back to sleep until 5:15. Perhaps she was eagerly awaiting the blaring telephone?
Then Linley came in at 7:15 and every 15 minutes thereafter with some sort of complaint or plea. I finally gave up and got out of bed at 8. And made chocolate chip muffins. I am such a sucker.

We consumed all 12 muffins. And they were good. Additionally, I made three loaves of wheat bread. We consumed nearly two.

We also made 65 Valentine's cards- a combination for school and play group. If school is cancelled tomorrow, there will be one very disappointed boy in this household. I also did 4 loads of laundry. Well, three. The one in the dryer may not make it out today.

The major issue with a blizzard and a husband that leaves at 5 in the morning? There is only one person in this house to remove the massive accumulation of snow so that said husband may get his non 4-WD vehicle into the driveway. And that person does not have a chance to spend an hour shoveling until 3. When the accumulation is way too overwhelming to even comprehend. Nevertheless, that person loves her husband and so she aims to conquer. And she does an amazing job. Not the complete job, because she has the longest driveway known to man. But, since the husband can safely get his car onto the driveway, this is a shoveling success story.

That said, 18 hours at the gym has nothing on shoveling 10 inches of snow. NOTHING.

There is so much snow it will never go away. Never. It will turn black and icy and slushy and gross and will serve as a constant reminder that I am living in an evil cold miserable place.
Until Spring comes and I like it here again. If Spring ever comes....


  1. My husband is super jealous. I think he is just super crazy!

  2. Oh gosh. It was really windy here today so I had to put on a sweatshirt before I went outside. I feel your pain.

  3. I am sorry!

    But I really enjoy reading your posts, you make me laugh and smile.

  4. Yuck. Probably the only advantage to living in a condo and not having a backyard or driveway is that we don't have to shovel our own snow. But that has got to be the ONLY advantage.
